About DFMI


The Digital Writing and Research Lab at the University of Texas at Austin is excited to announce the Digital Field Methods Institute (DFMI), an annual event that will offer new and established researchers opportunities to gain invaluable practice collecting, analyzing, and organizing digital data for publication. The aim of DFMI is to guide researchers as they cultivate techniques for responsible, accessible, sustainable, and inventive research projects that work with and through digital media. DFMI takes place both online and on-site at the University of Texas at Austin, offering a range of shared readings, lectures, discussions, media practice, editing workshops, and project consultations.

Our second annual event, DFMI 2019, focused on sensing research techniques and technologies, facilitating robust discussions about digital methodology, organizing hands-on practice with digital tools for collecting sensor-based research data, offering structured practice for processing that data for analysis, and providing extensive support in composing the work into scholarly forms suited for publishing research using sensors and sensory methods. Our First event, DFMI 2018, focused on sonic methods, techniques and technologies. In included lively discussions on sonic methodologies, hands-on practice with audio recording equipment, processing sessions, composition practice, and analysis. Collaboratively annotated readings (and other media) on theory and practice guided the discussion in online forums.

General inquiries about DFMI should be directed to DWRL Director, Casey Boyle (casey.boyle[atsign]utexas.edu).

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